Day: May 23, 2024

My maths

This week we were learning fractions and so our teacher brought me and my maths class cake as a treat and we also had other tasks to do I’m going to give you one see if you can solve it yourself.

it might be hard but try you’re best doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong

A 600 ml jar is 1/3 full of water if all that water is poured into a 300 ml jar what fraction will the smaller jar full.

I got 2/3  this is how i got my answer. If the 600 ml jar is bigger and full more then it would be a smaller fraction even though it would be the same amount than the smaller jar so if you poured all the water into the smaller jar you would get a bigger fraction even though its the same amount just a different jar.

I don’t know if i got it right or wrong but it doesn’t matter just try your best have a good rest of your day bye.