Year: 2024

What I’ve accomplished in my reading class

This week i finished doing my titanic research and put it on my blog so go look at it if you want but i’done every thing i need to and I’ve been working on research of famous ships like titanic and other sinking ships or just famous ships. i have done all my work for this week and i’m pretty happy about it 🙂

compass directions

I’ve made a activity for you guys about compasses so you can learn more!

first a compass then the game…





those are the normal directions

but you see the other things right?

NE=north east

SE=south east

SW=south west

NW=north west


now the game have fun

FAVOURITE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hello and today i will tell you my favourite food and why i like it

Well the truth is i don’t have a favourite food but…..

i love strawberry’s and there healthy and good for you i love tangy,sweet and sour strawberry’s but mostly i like a mix of tangy and sweet i don’t get them much though and that’s really sad because there really expensive my parents don’t buy them much because of that.

Strawberry’s are also good with chocolate drizzle and when there dipped in chocolate its good if its dipped or drizzled with chocolate and then put in the fridge for a bit until the chocolate goes hard but either way its still nice even if the chocolate is wet but then its not healthy so it is like a treat but i still love it anyway.  Here are some strawberry pictures


so good

My maths

This week we were learning fractions and so our teacher brought me and my maths class cake as a treat and we also had other tasks to do I’m going to give you one see if you can solve it yourself.

it might be hard but try you’re best doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong

A 600 ml jar is 1/3 full of water if all that water is poured into a 300 ml jar what fraction will the smaller jar full.

I got 2/3  this is how i got my answer. If the 600 ml jar is bigger and full more then it would be a smaller fraction even though it would be the same amount than the smaller jar so if you poured all the water into the smaller jar you would get a bigger fraction even though its the same amount just a different jar.

I don’t know if i got it right or wrong but it doesn’t matter just try your best have a good rest of your day bye.


My holiday 2024

In my holiday I went to my dad’s work and at my dad’s company they have arcades in the smoker room

My mum and dad had to wake me up at 6:00 to get ready to go at 6:30 so i was really tired when i got home. I only stayed at my dad’s work until 10:00 or 9:00 and then my grandma would pick me up then we would do something fun. I also have a poster to show what i did arcade (1)

that’s all it was so fun

bye bye!