Year: 2023


hello and on Wednesday 24 of October 2023 i did athletics but so did everyone else… it was hard but we had a long jump, high jump,relay,running,shot put and discus. my group did ok but i did not care at all. Does your school do athletics what place do you come my group came 4/5.   that picture is my group i,m not in it but its fine it is only year 6 girls! don’t have a good day have a great day.

My Holiday

Hi or good mooring etc in my holiday i went to my friends house. We went swimming ,chill out day and ice skating then she went to my house and we went to movex. We made water slime or tried to make water slime it was not bad but messy and stained my floor, it was fun and i did roller skates bye have a good day.

Top team events

HELLO This event was fun (sorry for the side ways picture). In this event we had eggs and spoon races ,4 people sack races and hula jiggle, and even more fun things. Do you do anything on the last week of the term at school?Anyways have fun if you do and a good day to all,go and have the best day at school or week.

New School

At Belfast it seems cool in the seniors, but we are getting a new school for Year 5 6 7 8 children. The new school is cool but there is a school tour today.  Apparently the classes get knocked down for new playgrounds for the little kids , and the new school will be clean! Finally some good stuff. Have a amazing day!

Milo Monday

hello and here today i have interesting news, that our class exactly has Milo every Monday! That’s cool right so bring cookies and marsh mallows and have a great day bye.


hello and at Belfast school we have a pizza day about every term. It is really good we have it at lunch and we also, if u have enough awhis  316 you get pizza with the princable!.   -> It’s usually in  the hall or in the room 13 or 12 class. Have a good day or a nice pizza day have such a grate day and have a good pizza if u have a pizza day.

My Cross Country day

hello and on Wednesday the 17 was cross country and I was dead. I came last but to be fair I did walk to laps but my legs were so tired that I couldn’t run any way and my little legs were also so sore.all of  Belfast did it it was not fun at all but  the sad thing is No won cheered for me and even though No won cheered I was fine it was a good was a lovely sunny day for cross country I did not like it. some people liked it so well done to all winners and people who are going to zones have a good day. good job to all who gave it a go and who won and did this event.